Monday, November 21, 2016

What Will We Say?

"What will I tell my kids?" 

At just one day short of two weeks out from what has been called the most polarizing election in recent history, this question continues to ring in my ears and stir my heart.

I purposely, for my own sanity, let go of my ties to Facebook during the last weeks leading up to the election.  Since then, I’ve visited only a handful of times, and much like many of you, am saddened to see the arguments continuing. 

And again…that question…what do I tell my kids?  I’ve decided accepting the risk that my opinion on this topic may be less than palpable to all is worth saying what God has recently and gently reminded me. 

First, this question – ‘what do I tell my kids?’ is not a new one for parents.  In my life as a mom, I’ve had to explain 9/11, the death of two grandparents- one of which we’re unsure knew the Lord, human cloning, the decision of a father who left, and why Pluto is no longer a planet (not sure I get that one myself!).  

My parents had to explain things like Vietnam, Watergate, Patty Hearst, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, why there was no gas, and why Luke Skywalker mattered.

My parents’ parents had to explain World War, television, and why rock-n-roll was evil.

The point is, our need to explain a polarizing election and its outcome is no harder than anything our parents explained to us, or our grandparents explained to them.  Some discussions are harder than others but at least we’re having them.  Having them means we’re giving our kids tools to look at and respond to the world they live in. 

The hope is we’re giving them the right glasses to see that world. Will those glasses be ones of self? In other words, will we allow our kids to perceive the world in such a way that it’s all about how the events of this life affect them and them alone?  OR…will we give them glasses that are focused on a bigger picture…on a bigger purpose? 

As Christians we know God is in control.  This doesn’t mean we have no responsibility. In actuality, He gives us a great deal of responsibility. Responsibilities like loving others the way He loves us- even if we disagree with them. Responsibilities like respecting authority- even if we don’t always want to.  Responsibilities like putting Him and His Kingdom first- above any and ALL other agendas.

I’m not immune to explaining things to my kids- even though they are men at this point.  We agree and we disagree on many things, but there is one thing that unifies us…we recognize that God knows WAY more than we do. We may not always understand everything else, but that, we can be sure of.

So, what will we tell our kids? How about this…

God is the beginning. God is the end. God is in the messiness of this world. He is at work.  We can trust Him.  The rest is just stuff.  God wins.  Every.Single.Time.

Isaiah 46:8-11- Remember this, keep it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.

Monday, February 29, 2016

When Your Fists are Clenched

When we think of our fists being clinched we naturally think of anger.  We imagine ourselves boiling over about something or someone and the clinching of fists being a natural result of that anger.  We may want to use those fists or the clenching may have more to do with trying to restrain ourselves. Either way, the emotion we imagine feeling in the moments our fists are clenched is anger.
What if our clenched fists have nothing to do with anger at all? What if we clench our fists- literally or figuratively- out of other emotions?  Like…love for example. 

When we love something or someone with everything in us, don’t we naturally want to hang on tight?  Our fists clench to cling to the object of our love out of a sense of protection or responsibility.  Think about a 2 year old not wanting to share his toy with a friend.  He will hang on for dear life to this thing he (at least for the next 2 minutes) loves with all of his heart.  It takes willpower to let go of something we love…it’s a sacrifice.

Yesterday I talked to the kids about sacrifice.  What a hard thing sacrifice is for kids…for all of us.  Sacrifice is hard.  It wouldn’t be sacrifice if it wasn’t.  In light of the fact that we are (almost) at the halfway mark of Lent, the idea of just how hard sacrifice can be was a relevant topic.  Sacrifice at its core meaning is releasing our clinched fists in order to open our hands to the Lord. 

Jesus teaches us to store up our treasures in heaven, not on earth.  He told a young rich ruler to sell all of his possessions in order to give money to the poor.  Jesus didn’t mean we couldn’t enjoy the good things of this life; after all, every good gift we have is from Him.  What He did say is that no treasure, nothing we love on this earth will last.  Only the things of God are eternal, so we should be willing to give up any and everything in order to find the things of God.  We should be willing to open our clenched fists that hold what we love; those things we – even on occasion- may make more important than Him. 

Sacrifice is not easy to grasp (no pun intended) in one Sunday, but we’ve made a start.  As we ended yesterday we prayed that our hands would be open to Him.  Specifically, we clenched our fists tightly, thinking of things we love so much we may- even accidently- put above God at times.  As we prayed, we slowly opened our hands, acknowledging that we’re willing to sacrifice those things in order to receive what really matters- Him. 

Clinched fists just may indicate love.  Open hands always will. 

This Week’s Announcements:
Help Needed: 
One of our very dedicated and wonderful small group leaders had to step down from his post on Sunday mornings because of a new work schedule.  If you’re the DAD of a 3rd-5th grade boy, we need YOU!  Please contact me to find out how you can help disciple this special group of boys.

Palm Sunday Singers:
As is tradition, some of our children will wave palms in the sanctuary on Palm Sunday.  Adding to that tradition this year, those children will also be helping lead one of the worship songs on this special day.    The qualifications to be a part of this group: regular attendee to PathFinders, 4k-5th grade, comfortable singing in front of a large group, able to attend two practices (date and time of practices TBD).  If you have a child who meets the requirements and would like to wave palms and sing one song on Sunday, March 20th, please sign up using one of the links below.  *Note the links are specific to one of the morning services.  (There will not be an official group singing at the 5pm service) The number of children doing this will be limited because of space. 
For the 9am service:
For the 11am service:

Mom/Son Game Night:
Moms with boys, this is the night you’ve been waiting for!  It’s Mom/Son Game Night 2016!  Let your hair down and that hidden tom-boy come out - or at least show your competitive edge- as you enjoy a night of fun with your son.   Dress in your “play clothes” and come enjoy a crazy, slightly competitive, and full of surprises night with your little guy.  It’s all happening on Friday, March 18; 6:30-8:30pm in our 164 space. Moms of all ages, and boys aged 4 years old-5th grade may attend. Registration is required, and the cost is only $5 per family.  Follow the link below to register:
*Registration closes at NOON on Tuesday, March 15th*

What God is Teaching Us:
For 4k-5th Grade: Click the link below to see ROOTED lessons:
This link is no longer available
This week’s memory verse: Matthew 6:21 ~ “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Monday, February 15, 2016

What's Love Got to Do with It...?


Valentine’s Day has come and gone although the candy -or the effects of that candy- has not.  If you’re like me you still have piles of candy sitting around…staring at you to either eat it or throw it out. I personally will adhere to the latter of those choices.  (Not because, like many, I gave up sweets for Lent…I’d just rather spend my calories on other things)

Since candy…I mean, LOVE was naturally going to be on the minds of the kids, I decided it best to ride that wave.  That’s why yesterday’s focus was on being rooted in God’s love for us; specifically, His patient love for us.

There are so many verses in the Bible about the subject of love (more than a great deal of other topics) that narrowing down how to “tackle” love could have been a challenge; however, when we start with the basic Truth- “God is love”- it becomes a great deal easier.  God showed His love to us by sending His Son to die for our sins.  Take that in…SHOWED His love…not felt love…showed it.

God obviously feels love for us, but it’s His actionable love that makes it possible for us to know and accept the reality of that love.  This is why the parable of the prodigal son is used so often as a picture of God’s patient and forgiving love for us.  The father in the story sees the son and runs to meet him.  He doesn’t condemn him, he doesn’t make him beg for reconciliation, nor does he even speak of his son’s transgressions.  It is without many words a true picture of patient love; a love that is slow to anger and keeps no record of wrongs.  If we gain nothing else from this parable but the fact that once we move toward the Lord, He moves toward us, we’ve gained a great deal…a great, great deal.

This Week’s Announcements:
Help Needed: 
One of our very dedicated and wonderful small group leaders had to step down from his post on Sunday mornings because of a new work schedule.  If you’re the DAD of a 3rd-5th grade boy, we need YOU!  Please contact me to find out how you can help disciple this special group of boys.

Palm Sunday Singers:
As is tradition, some of our children will wave palms in the sanctuary on Palm Sunday.  Adding to that tradition this year, those children will also be helping lead one of the worship songs on this special day.    The qualifications to be a part of this group: regular attendee to PathFinders, 4k-5th grade, comfortable singing in front of a large group, able to attend two practices (date and time of practices TBD).  If you have a child who meets the requirements and would like to wave palms and sing one song on Sunday, March 20th, please sign up using one of the links below.  The number of children doing this will be limited because of space.  *Note the links are specific to one of the morning services.  (There will not be an official group singing at the 5pm service)

For the 9am service:
For the 11am service:

Baptism Service:
On Sunday, March 13th we will offer believers Baptism during all of our Sunday services.  If your child has expressed interest in being baptized, please contact me. I will discuss this important decision with your child to determine if he/she is ready to participate in believer's Baptism. 

What God is Teaching Us:
For 4k-5th Grade: Click the link below to see ROOTED lessons.
This link is no longer available

This week’s memory verse: 1John 4:9 ~ “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.”

Funny Things Kids Say and Do…
To get the discussion about love going, the kids were asked to name one thing they love. I heard some great ones…everything from candy to the Clemson Tigers. The one that made me scratch my head… “I love licking my toes.” 

One child in 1st grade has questions about God. As she describes it, “LOTS of questions!”  After asking her small group leader a pretty deep theological question, to which the leader gave a great answer, the child was not fully satisfied.  So very seriously she asked, “Do you think Pastor David would have a better answer?” 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Leaving Your Fingerprints

Kids leave their fingerprints everywhere, don’t they?  The mirror in the hall, the glass sliding door, and the refrigerator front are all places little hands leave their mark.  And this is when their hands are clean.   Just think of all the places you find their evidence after they’ve eaten something sticky or cheesy!  The point is we all leave our fingerprints behind.  (My computer is picking up my prints with every key stroke I make)

When our prints- unique only to us- are left behind, it’s as if we’ve left a part of ourselves. As one of the outreach leaders pointed out on Sunday we leave a ‘mark’ like our fingerprints wherever we go.  Sometimes that mark is good and sometimes not so good.  Obviously, the goal for us is to leave a good “mark” where we’ve been; to leave fingerprints that bless and encourage others.

This past Sunday’s outreach project was about blessing the lives of our neighbors.  In the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus is asked “who is my neighbor?”  Just as that expert in the law learned, we learned God wants us to love people- all people.  The children did projects for a nursing home, for their families, for their (literal) neighbors, and for the men and women who are assisted by our Acts 6 Ministry.  They left some fingerprints on everything they did- both literally and spiritually.  Outside of their families, the children may never see or know the people they blessed.  Our prayer is the fingerprints they left behind will give God an opportunity to minister to our “neighbors.”
This Week’s Announcements:
Daddy/Daughter Dance: 
Attention Dads with Daughters…This is your chance to take your little princess on a special date!  Come join us for this year’s Daddy-Daughter Dance.  Dress in your best duds, and enjoy a magical night with your princess – complete with dinner, dancing, and other special surprises.  This special event takes place on Friday, February 12th, 6:30-9pm.  Registration is required for planning, and the cost is only $20 per family.  Dads of all ages, and princesses aged 4years old-5th grade may attend.  Click the link to register.   *Space is limited so sign up quickly.  Registration is open until noon on Tuesday, February 9th- or until spaces are full*

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Colossians 2:6-7 “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

When the Lord spoke the word “Rooted” to me right after Christmas, I knew it had to be the next series in our PathFinders curriculum.  Even after receiving the word and the verse in Colossians, I was perplexed as to how to proceed.  What does it mean to be rooted?  And…if I could figure that out, how was I to begin explaining it to children?  Searching a concordance and the pages of Scripture did not yield much guidance since the word itself – “rooted” is used only twice in the entire Bible.  Not sure I was correct in this assessment, I counseled with our in-house theologian (David) who confirmed my findings.  Now what? 

The Lord brought to mind a picture I’d taken in California this past fall.  I took a lot of pictures on my trip but the one He reminded me about was one of a downed tree in the Redwood Forest.  The picture which you can see below is of the root system of one of these massive trees.  What was so fascinating to me about the roots of a Redwood was not just the size but how they grow.  The roots of all Redwoods spread out wide and connect themselves (actually intertwining) with the roots of their neighboring trees. This connection makes each tree stronger than it could ever be alone. 

Lightbulb moment!  This was a picture (no pun intended) of where God wanted to take the kids next.   Being rooted meant a couple of significant things.  One, our faith is only strong when our lives are rooted or connected to Jesus.  Two, just as roots of a tree “take in” what is needed for the tree to sustain life, we are to ‘take in’ the things of God to sustain ours.  If we’re ROOTED in Him we have access to all that He is and all that He has to offer.  Our ‘root system’ receives the living water and the fresh bread He offers us. 

Being ROOTED is pretty important stuff for our kids…for all of us.  I welcome your prayers as I continue to trust the Lord to give me discernment and wisdom in writing this curriculum.  And…I MORE than encourage you to pray for the Lord to speak to your children!  It’s exciting to know the Lord sees our kids as ready for such a big topic! 

My prayer is that through these teachings our kids will be solidly connected to Jesus; that their lives will be ones defined as “rooted” in Him.
root·ed (adjective) having roots; well-established; arising from firmly held beliefs; on which well-established and strong roots have developed; unable to be moved because of shock or other outside sources

This Week’s Announcements:
Daddy/Daughter Dance:  Attention Dads with Daughters…This is your chance to take your little princess on a special date!  Come join us for this year’s Daddy-Daughter Dance.  Dress in your best duds, and enjoy a magical night with your princess – complete with dinner, dancing, and other special surprises.  This special event takes place on Friday, February 12th, 6:30-9pm.  Registration is required for planning, and the cost is only $20 per family.  Dads of all ages, and princesses aged 4years old-5th grade may attend.  Click the link to register.   *Space is limited so sign up quickly.  Registration is open until noon on Tuesday, February 9th- or until spaces are full*

What God is Teaching Us:
Click the link below to see ROOTED lessons:
This link is no longer available

We will continue to have a memory verse each week (just as we did through the fall).  These verses will be about being ROOTED in TRUTH.  This week’s verse: Psalm 121:2 – “My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Prince of Peace

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

The similarities between the world Jesus entered over 2,000 years ago and the world we live in now are rarely- if ever- seen to have any similarities.  As very different as the time periods may be, one thing hasn’t changed.  That is our need for a Savior…a Savior that brings peace.  Regardless of one’s views on hot topics like gun control and refugees entering our country, we can all agree that peace is what we long for.  Our Savior is the Prince of Peace. If we can somehow- even in the midst of conflict and fear-remember that, then we will experience the peace that is promised to us always and in ALL ways
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

This Week’s Announcements:
1. Christmas Services and Times:Christmas Eve- We will have one service on December 24th at 5pm. We will meet in the new performing arts building at Marietta High School.  This is a family service so parents and kids of all ages will worship together. Christmas Day- We will celebrate the birth of our King on Christmas at 11am in our sanctuary.  This is also a family service so parents and kids of all ages will worship together.  *It’s okay for kids to come in their PJ’s if they are just not ready to get dressed yet!
2. Special Information for Sunday, December 27th: As we continue to celebrate the birth of Jesus- (we don’t stop celebrating on Dec. 25th), we will enjoy a fun “still celebrating” kind of day in PathFinders on Sunday, Dec. 27th.  Please read below to find out what is happening in your child’s room/area. 
For 3k and under: Children are welcome to come to church like it’s Christmas morning, complete with wearing their PJ’s to church! 
For 4k&Kindergaten: Our morning will look a little different than other Sunday mornings because our small group leaders will be enjoying a much deserved rest.  This doesn’t mean we are taking a break from reading God’s Word or worship!  Along with reading the Christmas story, we will do games, crafts, and watch a classic Christmas movie.  Also- to make it a more relaxed and fun day, 4k&K children are welcome to wear their PJ’s to church on Sunday.   (That’s right…you don’t have to get them dressed before church!  That’s our little after Christmas gift to you!)
For 1st-5th grade: Our morning will look a little different than other Sunday mornings because our small group leaders will be enjoying a much deserved rest.  This doesn’t mean we are taking a break from reading God’s Word or worship!  Our theme for the day will be “every good gift.”  Every child loves to have “show and tell” about the good gifts they received for Christmas.  So…to go along with our theme for the day, we’ll share our own good gifts.  Your 1st-5th grader is welcome to bring ONE gift they received for Christmas. Please make sure you’ve approved what they are bringing AND that it is somehow labeled with their name. 
**Two rules: 1.) Make sure it’s an appropriate toy to have in a group.  No “weapon” related toys or anything bigger than what they can easily carry themselves.  2.) They are responsible for whatever they bring.  
**Please note these two things for clarification:
- The PJ option is only open to children up through Kindergarten. (1st-5th should be dressed as normal)
- If your 4k/K child would like to bring a show-n-tell “gift” because an older sibling is doing so, please know that we trust your parental wisdom on this. Think about these things: Is your child okay with others touching their new toy? Are they responsible enough to not mix their toy up (and risk losing) with other toys in the room, etc.?
3. Attention Kindergarten – 2nd grade PathFinders: Grab your PJ's, your robe, your slippers, and your pillow....It's time for our annual PILLOW AND POP! PARTY.  Friday, January 8, 6:30pm-8:30pm, in our 164 space.  Registration is required and is only open until Monday, January 4th.  Click the link to sign up:

What God is Teaching Us:
For 4k-5th Grade: Click the link below to see this week’s Advent lessons.
This link is no longer available
As ARMED meets Advent, we will continue to learn a new memory verse each week.  This week’s verse:
 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

If your family would like a guide to reading through Scripture during the Advent Season, we would love to share some great resources with you.  Each week on the blog, I will list some suggested readings for the days between one blog and the next.  *Also- I’ve included some links to other resources if you want a more in depth way of leading your family through the season.  Enjoy this special time of year!
Dec. 21st- Matthew 2:7-8
Dec. 22nd- Matthew 2:9-12
Dec. 23rd- Matthew 2:19-23
Dec.24th- John 1:14
CHRISTMAS DAY- Luke 2: 1-20

Other resources for Advent:
Focus on the Family has LOTS of great Advent reading plans:
This is one of my favorite ideas- learning the names of God through Advent!  This one is also hands-on because you can make an ornament each day with the names.
And…lastly, if you love the Jesus Storybook Bible like I do, then you’ll love this resource. This is a free printable guide to using this special Bible during Advent.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Everlasting Father

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

I love a translation I read recently that used “Father forever” for Everlasting Father.  What a great way to help kids understand that concept. 

Hearing the children talk about things that seem to take (or last) forever, like waiting for mom to make dinner, shopping in Costco, waiting for dad to get home from work to play, and of course- Christmas morning, I got a real sense of their understanding of forever.  Or I thought I did…

When I asked the follow up question- what REALLY lasts forever, even 4k/K kids had a great understanding that nothing does- except God.  They understood that things expire, go bad, wear out, or even die. They also understood that God is forever.  He has always been and will always be. 

Think about that in terms of a Father. We never outgrow Him, we never get too old to be taken care of by Him, we are never so grownup that He says, “You’re on your own.”  Jesus - what a great comfort to know that He is our Father forever.  
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort.” 2 Corinthians 1:3

This Week’s Announcements:
1. Christmas Services and Times:
a. Christmas Eve- We will have one service on December 24th at 5pm. We will meet in the new performing arts building at Marietta High School.  This is a family service so parents and kids of all ages will worship together.
b. Christmas Day- We will celebrate the birth of our King on Christmas at 11am in our sanctuary.  This is also a family service so parents and kids of all ages will worship together.  *It’s okay for kids to come in their PJ’s if they are just not ready to get dressed yet!
2. Attention Kindergarten – 2nd grade PathFinders: Grab your PJ's, your robe, your slippers, and your pillow....It's time for our annual PILLOW AND POP! PARTY.  Friday, January 8, 6:30pm-8:30pm, in our 164 space.  Registration is required and is only open until Monday, January 4th.  Click the link to sign up:

What God is Teaching Us:
For 4k-5th Grade: Click the link below to see this week’s Advent lessons.
This link is no longer available
As ARMED meets Advent, we will continue to learn a new memory verse each week.  This week’s verse:“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort.” 2 Corinthians 1:3

If your family would like a guide to reading through Scripture during the Advent Season, we would love to share some great resources with you.  Each week on the blog, I will list some suggested readings for the days between one blog and the next.  *Also- I’ve included some links to other resources if you want a more in depth way of leading your family through the season.  Enjoy this special time of year!
Dec. 14th- Luke 2:1-7
Dec. 15th- Luke 2:8-12
Dec. 16th- Luke 2:13-14
Dec.17th- Luke 2:15-18
Dec. 18th- Luke 2:19-20
Dec.19th- Matthew 2:1-2
Dec.20th- Matthew 2:3-6

Other resources for Advent:
Focus on the Family has LOTS of great Advent reading plans:
This is one of my favorite ideas- learning the names of God through Advent!  This one is also hands-on because you can make an ornament each day with the names.
And…lastly, if you love the Jesus Storybook Bible like I do, then you’ll love this resource. This is a free printable guide to using this special Bible during Advent.